We've taken every effort to ensure our programs - and their ability to grow your business and blog - are accurately represented. However, by purchasing a ticket to The Blogcademy, a Home School video, or access to Blogcademy Online, you accept and agree that you are fully responsible for your progress and results from your participation. We offer no representations, warranties, or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding your earnings or results. You are responsible for your actions and results, which are dependent on personal factors, including your knowledge, ability, skill, network, dedication, and financial situation. By purchasing a Blogcademy product, you understand that because of the nature of the information presented, the results experienced by each student may significantly vary. Any statements outlined on our websites, programs, content and offerings are simply our opinion, and thus are not guarantees or promises of actual performance. We offer no professional legal, medical, psychological, or financial advice, and your participation in this program will not treat, diagnose or cure any disease.